Chitosan Weight Loss



Chitosan Weight Loss Supplements - Myth or Fact?

There are several studies, in both animals and humans, demonstrating chitosan's effect on lipids. These effects have generally been more dramatic in various animal models, possibly due to higher chitosan intake in many of those studies. Some of these animal studies show very dramatic reductions in cholesterol and in LDL-cholesterol. Some have observed increases in the HDL-cholesterol, as well.

In humans, results have been less clear-cut, though still suggestive of positive effects. In one recent placebo-controlled, double-blind study, there was a significant decrease in LDL-cholesterol among subjects receiving 2,400 milligrams of chitosan daily, compared with placebo subjects. Chitosan had no significant effect on serum total cholesterol or on HDL-cholesterol, but it slightly increased triglycerides. Others have reported similar effects: reduced LDL-cholesterol with little or no effect on HDL and total cholesterols. A few others, however, have reported no lipid effects. Differences may be due to dissimilar dosing.

The effectiveness of Chitosan as a weight loss product is questionable, but the results for lowering cholesterol levels are more convincing.

Chitosan has no known side effects.

NOTE: You should not take Chitosan if you have any shellfish allergies.

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